
Some code I am working on for fun from time to time... ;)


  • checkpw - A program that checks the validity of a users password on a UNIX / PAM-based system (C)
  • Passkey - A USB device working as a simple password store based on Digispark devices (C++)
  • PC/SC for PHP - An implementation of the PC/SC SCard API for PHP (C)
  • uplink - A tool to monitor the uplink status of AVM FRITZ!Box Cable / DSL based routers (Python)
  • Xtea - A program that executes a given command or program after a given time if no X11 keybord or mouse input happend in the given time (C)


  • checkpwrule - A program that checks if an input string validates a password rule (C)
  • xw3 - An experiment... building dynamic websites using Jekyll! Including a CGI... ;) (C, Go, JavaScript, Lua, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rust, Shell, etc.)

In progress

  • fgg - A free gallery generator for static site generators like Hugo, Jekyll, Nikola etc. using Flickr as data source (Python)
  • Linspector - A simple system monitoring solution - Only for research! (Python)
  • man2book - A tool to create a custom book of installed man pages by a selection of manpage sections and / or pages (Python)


  • advoid - A solution for blacklisting ads, malware and trackers based on DNS (Misc)
  • Leo Search - A Firefox extension for searching the database (JavaScript and XUL)
  • scheduled - A job scheduling daemon (None)
  • Zynk - The rsync GUI for your desktop (C)

Please also take a look at and to see what I'm working on...

Some stuff is still found at GitHub actually, but I am migrating everything to my own server. Some projects will still remain mirrored to GitHub in the future.