
Some of my mosed loved CLI and TUI programs.


  • alpine - A text-based email client, friendly for novices but powerful.
  • irssi - A modular text mode chat client. It comes with IRC support built in.
  • mcabber - A small XMPP (Jabber) console client.
  • mutt - A small and very powerful text-mode email client.
  • neomutt - A command line mail reader (or MUA). It’s a fork of Mutt with added features.


  • ack - A grep-like search tool optimized for source code.
  • awk - A domain-specific language designed for text processing and typically used as a data extraction and reporting tool.
  • git - A free and open source distributed version control system.
  • gitui - Blazing fast terminal-ui for git written in rust.
  • make - A tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program’s source files.
  • ripgrep - A line-oriented search tool that recursively searches the current directory for a regex pattern.
  • sed - Unix utility that parses and transforms text, using a simple, compact programming language.
  • tig - A text-mode interface for Git.

I also use the text editors below for development.

File Managers

  • midnight commander - A free cross-platform orthodox file manager.
  • nnn - The unorthodox terminal file manager.
  • ranger - A console file manager with VI key bindings.


  • asciiquarium - Enjoy the mysteries of the sea from the safety of your own terminal!
  • cmatrix - Terminal based “The Matrix” like implementation.
  • cowsay - Configurable talking cow (and a bit more).
  • lolcat - No unicorns. But rainbows!
  • ponysay - Cowsay reimplemention for ponies.
  • sl - A Steam Locomotive runs across your terminal when you type “sl” as you meant to type “ls”.


  • links - A free software text and graphical web browser with a pull-down menu system.
  • lynx - A text browser for the World Wide Web.
  • newsboat - An RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console. It’s an actively maintained fork of Newsbeuter.
  • newsraft - A feed reader with ncurses user interface.
  • w3m - A text-based web browser as well as a pager like more' or less’. With w3m you can browse web pages through a terminal emulator window.


  • alsamixer - A graphical mixer program for the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture.
  • cmus - Small, fast and powerful console music player for Unix-like operating systems.
  • mpg123 - Fast console MPEG Audio Player and decoder library.


  • arping - A utility to find out if a specific IP address on the LAN is ‘taken’ and what MAC address owns it.
  • arpwatch - A computer software tool for monitoring Address Resolution Protocol traffic on a computer network.
  • bmon - Bandwidth monitor and rate estimator.
  • iftop - Display bandwidth usage on an interface.
  • nethogs - A small ‘net top’ tool. Instead of breaking the traffic down per protocol or per subnet, like most tools do, it groups bandwidth by process.
  • nload - A console application which monitors network traffic and bandwidth usage in real time.


  • - An ACME protocol client written purely in Shell (Unix shell) language.
  • checkpw - A program that checks the validity of a users password on a UNIX/PAM-based system.
  • nmap - A free and open source utility for network discovery and security auditing.
  • bettercap - The Swiss Army knife for WiFi, Bluetooth Low Energy, wireless HID hijacking, CAN-bus and IPv4 and IPv6 networks reconnaissance and MITM attacks.
  • ettercap - A comprehensive suite for man in the middle attacks. It features sniffing of live connections, content filtering on the fly and many other interesting tricks.
  • sn0int - A semi-automatic OSINT framework and package manager.
  • tcpdump - A powerful command-line packet analyzer; and libpcap, a portable C/C++ library for network traffic capture.
  • - A free command line tool which checks a server’s service on any port for the support of TLS/SSL ciphers, protocols as well as recent cryptographic flaws and more.


  • ash - a lightweight Unix shell.
  • bash - The GNU Project’s shell – the Bourne Again SHell.
  • zsh - A shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language.


  • btop - A System Resource monitor.
  • gotop - A terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop.
  • htop - An interactive process viewer.
  • iotop - A Python program with a top like UI used to show of behalf of which process is the I/O going on.
  • ncdu - A disk usage analyzer with a text-mode user interface.
  • top - A task manager or system monitor program, found in many Unix-like operating systems, that displays information about CPU and memory utilization.
  • usbtop - A top-like utility that shows an estimated instantaneous bandwidth on USB buses and devices.


  • byobu - A text-based window manager, terminal multiplexer and integrated DevOps environment.
  • screen - A full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal between several processes.
  • tmux - An open-source terminal multiplexer for Unix-like operating systems.
  • zellij - A terminal workspace. It has the base functionality of a terminal multiplexer but includes many built-in features that would allow users to extend it and create their own personalized environment.

Terminal emulators

  • xterm - The standard terminal emulator for the X Window System.
  • xfce4-terminal - A lightweight and easy to use terminal emulator application with many advanced features including drop down, tabs, unlimited scrolling, full colors, fonts, transparent backgrounds, and more.
  • zoha - Drop down terminal inspired by Tilda.

Text Editors

  • nano - A text editor for Unix-like computing systems or operating environments using a command line interface.
  • neovim - A hyperextensible Vim-based text editor.
  • vim - A highly configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any kind of text very efficient.


  • asciinema - Record and share your terminal sessions, the simple way.
  • busybox - Combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single small executable.
  • cal - A command-line utility on a number of computer operating systems including Unix, Plan 9, Inferno and Unix-like operating systems such as Linux that prints an ASCII calendar of the given month or year.
  • minify - A minifier package written in Go. It provides HTML5, CSS3, JS, JSON, SVG and XML minifiers and an interface to implement any other minifier.
  • rsync - A file transfer program to keep remote files in sync.
  • toybox - Combines many common Linux command line utilities together into a single BSD-licensed executable.
